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    костер из эпоксидной смолы, резин арт, костер, подставка, космоскостер из эпоксидной смолы, резин арт, костер, подставка, дальний космос

    "Deep space" coster made of epoxy resin

    10 $

    Product for table setting, can be used as a cup or glass holder. The edges are finished and gold leaf plated. Suitable also as a stand for your jewelry, cosmetics, bijouterie. Often ordered in a set of 3, 4, 6 pieces. The price is for one coster.

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    Sale! поднос рейсин арт глубокое мореподнос рейсин арт глубокое море

    "Deep Sea" Rezin Art Tray

    63 $

    Tray for serving food with the texture of the deep sea. The wooden surface of the tray is covered with durable special eco-friendly varnish. On top it is additionally covered with a protective resin, which is allowed to come into contact with food. The tray is quite large and roomy. It has sides, perfect for serving breakfast, tea drinking. Will decorate your kitchen, dining room.

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    Sale! Резин Арт поднос, резин арт, поднос, галактикаРезин Арт поднос, резин арт, поднос, космический

    "Distant galaxy" Resin Art tray

    63 $

    Serving tray with galaxy texture. The wooden surface of the tray is covered with a durable special eco-friendly varnish. The top is additionally covered with a protective resin, which is allowed to contact with food. The tray is large enough and roomy. Has sides, will perfectly serve for serving breakfast, tea. Will decorate your kitchen, dining room.

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    подставка из эпоксидной смолы купить, подставка из эпоксидной смолы купить, резин арт, костер, подставка, метельрезин арт, костер, подставка, зефир

    "Snowstorm" stand made of epoxy resin

    30 $

    The product is ideal as a stand for jewelry, cosmetics, jewelry, can be used as a stand for a cup or glass. Can also be used as a cake stand when setting the table. The edges of the product are finished and covered with gold leaf.

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    Sale! Resin Art поднос, поднос, мраморResin Art поднос, резин арт, поднос, мрамор

    "Marble handsome" Resin Art tray

    61 $

    Serving Tray with Marble Texture. The wooden surface of the tray is covered with a durable special eco-friendly varnish. The top is additionally covered with a protective resin, which is allowed to contact with food. The tray is large enough and roomy. Has sides, will perfectly serve for serving breakfast, tea. Will decorate your kitchen, dining room.

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    костер из эпоксидной смолы, резин арт, костер, подставка, мраморкостер из эпоксидной смолы, резин арт, костер, подставка, мрамор

    "Marble Handsome" bonfire made of epoxy resin

    10 $

    Product for table setting, can be used as a stand for a cup or glass. The edges are finished. Suitable as a stand for your jewelry, cosmetics, bijouterie. Often ordered in a set of 3, 4, 6 pieces. The price is for one fire.